Name of project: Viability of small farms managed by young farmers under new "farm-to-fork" strategy
Researchers FEM: Ing. Pavel Kotyza, Ph.D.; prof. Luboš Smutka, Ph.D.
Budget: 299 564 EUR
Project Duration 12/2020 – 11/2023
Grant: Erasmus+
Project number: 2020-1-CZ01-KA203-078495
The Department of Economics succeeded in the 2020 call of the Erasmus + program, key action 2.03. - Strategic partnerships in higher education. Together with its partners, the CZU succeeded in a project focused on the long-term viability of small farms managed by young farmers in the context of the new EU strategy, ie the farm-to-fork strategy, which is part of the ambitious Green Deal for Europe.
The international team will prepare an overview and evaluation of past and new policies in the consortium countries aimed at young farmers farming on small farms. Examples of good practice in cooperation across the food value-chain to contribute to the long-term viability of farmers will be presented. Finally, electronic tools will be created that will enable effective economic planning and decision-making.
In addition to CZU staff, university partners from Poland (Poznan University of Life Sciences), Slovakia (Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra), Lithuania (Vytautas Magnus university, Kaunas) and Hungary (University of Szeged) are participating in the project. The connection of the academic with the practice is provided by associations representing young farmers - the Young Agrarians Society of the Czech Republic, the Polish Związek Młodzieży Wiejskiej and the Association of Slovakian Young Farmers (ASYF).