Doc. Ing. Ladislav Pilař, MBA, Ph.D. Department of Management, FEM CZU, Prague
Research team guarantor
Ladislav Pilař has long focused on social media and social network analysis. In 2021 he habilitated in Management with a thesis on Identification of group attitudes based on the analysis of hashtags on social networks. He was the project leader of the Commercialization of Science and Research project to commercialize research results in the field of social media analysis. The result was the autonomous software SNAFR (Social Network Analyser for Research), which mediates data from the social network Twitter for scientific purposes. He has authored 12 articles in impacted journals. According to WoS: 60 citations without self-citations, H-index:5; Scopus: 76 citations without self-citations, H-index: 7; Google Scholar: 230 citations, H-index: 9.
Ing. Lucie Kvasničková Stanislavská, Ph.D. Department of Management, FEM CZU, Prague
Lucie Kvasničková Stanislavská received her doctorate in the doctoral program in Management with a focus on social responsibility, which she continues to pursue. She is also involved in social media and social network analysis, linking both areas. She has co-authored 7 articles in impacted journals.
Ing. Roman Kvasnička, Ph.D. Department of Systems Engineering FEM CZU, Prague
Roman Kvasnička received his PhD in the Systems Engineering doctoral program in the area of knowledge interoperability. Since the beginning of his academic career, he has been a member of the Knowledge Units team. His long-term focus is on the application of soft systems methodologies to the process of knowledge transfer in the context of modern information technology.
Ing. Jana Pitrová, Ph.D. Department of Management, FEM CZU, Prague
Jana Pitrová focuses her research on innovative business models, short supply chains and social media analysis with a focus on agri-tourism and small farms. She is currently leading several international cooperation and collaboration projects under the Erasmus plus program and has completed internships at universities abroad in the United States, Taiwan, and South Korea. She has 6 published articles in Scopus database as lead author, 16 as co-author, 26 citations, h-index 3.
prof. Ing. Ivana Tichá, Ph.D.
Ivana Tichá has many years of publication and grant activity. She has been a researcher since 1996. She has published more than 70 articles including 12 in impacted journals. As principal investigator and co-investigator of many grants (TAČR, GAČR, NAZV, VZ MŠMT, 5th EU Framework Program and others) she has many years of experience in leading large teams, including international ones. He has a long-standing interest in knowledge management, which is used in the latest phase of the SNAFR framework - knowledge representation.
Ing. Josef Pavlíček, Ph.D. Department of Information Engineering FEM CZU, Prague
Josef Pavlíček has long been involved in the practical use of artificial intelligence and machine vision. The main direction is image analysis from digital photos and video streams. The goal is to find the desired points of interest in the image. He presented practical results implemented in the field of nesting bird recognition, material defects, finding the position of artificial eye lenses, handwriting recognition, diseases on leaves and fruits of fruit trees. Josef is also involved in machine vision automation with overlap into robotics both in academia (Filed robot competitions) and in industry USPIN Ltd.
Ing. Adéla Hamplová
Adéla Hamplová is a highly self-motivated and responsible student of the 3rd year of the PhD program "Systems Engineering and Computer Science" with specialization in artificial intelligence, both teaching the theoretical basics and practical construction of neural networks and their use in various applications ranging from time series prediction, such as the analysis of communication on social networks, through image classification to machine vision. Throughout his studies he has been involved in a number of grant projects, several of his own as principal investigator, and several as secondary investigators. He regularly participates in international scientific conferences.