The study in the Bachelor's and follow-up Master's degree study programmes is duly completed by successfull participation in the Final State Examination (FSE). The FSE must be completed within two years from the end of the academic year in which the student has completed the study duties of the last year of study. During this period, he/she remains a student or may apply for the interruption of study.
At the Faculty of Economics and Management of the CZU in Prague, the Final State Examination is held regularly in the summer semester (May / June) and in the winter semester (February). The specific dates of the Final State Examination can be found in the FEM’s academic calendar. The prerequisite for the registration to attend the FSE is the submission of the final thesis. The specific dates of the individual actions, further instructions for submitting the electronic application for the FSE through the UIS and the the information about and submission of other required materials to the FEM’s Study Administration Office can be found in the overview of the important dates according to the chosen FSE. This overview will be available on the opening page after login into the UIS several months prior to the FSE (Czech version also here in section Files for download). The Study Administration Officer assigns students to the examination committees. Information about the cocrete FSE Committee can be found by the enrolled student in the Student’s Portal > Application form for the Final State Examination > Application > FSE Commitee at least one week before the FSE. FSE brochures are published for Final State Examination held in the summer semester. FSE brochures contain important dates for the completion of the study, the general procedure of the FSE, the excerpt from the Study and Examination Regulations of CZU in Prague and concrete topics within the subject complexes for the FSE. The FSE brochures are available in the FEM’s Copy Centre in print and on the FEM’s document server in the electronic form. New FSE brochures for an academic year in question held in the summer semester are issued several months before the FSE will be held. The topics within the subject complexes for the given FSE from this brochure are also valid for the subsequent FSE held in the winter semester (February).
FSE is held in front of the Committee for the FSE (hereinafter referred to as the "Committee") from the examined subject complexes that are mandatory for the specific study programme and from the defense of the Bachelor’s or Master’s thesis (hereinafter referred to as "diploma thesis"). The FSE process and the announcement of the results are public according to Art. 53 of the Act. The Committee consists of the leading experts in the field who are appointed by the Dean, the number of members of the committee is usually based on the number of examined subject complexes for the FSE.
The diploma thesis is evaluated by two assessments, namely by the assessment of the supervisor and the assessment of the opponent. The student has the right to acquaint himself with the assessments no later than five working days before the date of the FSE.
If both the supervisor and the opponent evaluate the diploma thesis as "failed", the student did not fulfill the prerequisites for the FSE and cannot participate in the FSE, ie neither does the defense of the diploma thesis nor the FSE from the examined subjects.
The criteria for evaluating the overall result of the FSE and the overall study result can be found in the enclosed Study and Examination Regulations of the CZU in the Annex 1.
After successful completion of the Final State Examination, FEM students are awarded with diplomas during the Graduation Ceremony in the CZU Aula. It is necessary to submit a paper registration form filed according to the instructions given in the list of important dates of the FSE (see above) together with the submission of all required documents for FSE to the Student Administration Office. The Graduation Ceremony dates are specified in the CZU Academic Calendar. The lists with the allocation of students to the specific dates of the Graduation Ceremony can be found on the portal eStudent before the given ceremony.