The workshop will focus on introducing new methods and innovative trends in economic analysis in connection with ongoing changes in the global environment. Particular attention will be paid to ways of linking the analysis of productivity and efficiency of EU agricultural producers with environmental aspects of the production process. The results of the research, in which the data processing and interpretation were carried out in the light of existing agricultural policies in EU, will also be presented. The workshop participants will have an opportunity to learn more about: Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA), Slacks-based measurement of efficiency (SBM) in the presence of undesirable outputs (on the example of GHG emissions) and window DEA (W-DEA) framework.
When: 17. 2. 2020 od 10:00 do 11:30
Where: PEF E 115
Language: angličtina
Moderator: Prof. Ing. Lukáš Čechura, Ph.D. - Katedra ekonomiky PEF, ČZU v Praze
Lecturer: Ing. Seyyed Hassan Pishgar-Komleh, Ph.D. - vědecko-výzkumný pracovník Katedry ekonomiky PEF, ČZU v Praze
Organizing department: Department of Economics, FEM, CZU Prague
More information:
Intended for: Students of doctoral study programs and other interested professionals.
The workshop is organized as part of a research project Podpora rozvoje mezinárodních mobilit výzkumných pracovníků ČZU v Praze (reg. č.: CZ.02.2.69/0.0/0.0/16_027/0008366) výzvy Mezinárodní mobilita výzkumných pracovníků OP VVV č. 02_16_027.
The research results are part of the project QK1920398 Programu aplikovaného výzkumu Ministerstva zemědělství for period 2017-2025 ZEMĚ funded by MZ ČR, NAZV.