Popis aplikace
The FODAT application is intended for easy classification of management data by means of fuzzy set theory. A typical usage of this tool will be during analyses of how well tracked entities suit our expectations or patterns. For example how accurately defaulters pay their debts, how much can be operating information system considered to be stable and error proof, how serious are damages, whether customers are distributed equally between salary levels etc. A proper evaluation of criterias that are definitely not binary can significantly improve managerial decision if it is easy to make these evaluations.
On-line description: http://sites.google.com/site/volrab/home/fodat/fodat-documentation
Licenční podmínky
License Agreement
By downloading, installing, or using this software, you agree to be bound by the terms and conditions of the following license agreement. Please read this agreement carefully.
For FODAT authorised software utilisation.
Owner of rights to the FODAT authorised software is Faculty of economics and management, Czech university of life sciences in Prague, Kamýcká 129, 16521 Praha, Czech Republic,
(further referred as Owner)
Individual user of the FODAT authorised software (further referred as User)
Terms and conditions of the license agreement
Owner entitles the User to a free utilization of the FODAT authorised software.
User needs to register at the Owner for utilization of the FODAT authorised software.
User is obliged to acknowledge the Owner each time, when presenting results achieved by means of the FODAT authorised software.
User can the FODAT authorised software on his/her own risk and the Owner is not responsible for any consequences caused by utilization of the FODAT authorised software.
This agreement comes into effect by a moment when user has installed the FODAT authorised software.
Prague - December 10, 2010
On-line: http://sites.google.com/site/volrab/home/fodat
Kontakt a odkazy
Katedra informačního inženýrství
Soubory ke stažení (instalační soubory, dokumentace k programu, návod atp.)
General information: http://sites.google.com/site/volrab/home/fodat
Project documentation: http://sites.google.com/site/volrab/home/fodat/fodat-documentation
Software download: http://sites.google.com/site/volrab/Fodat_1_0.zip?attredirects=0