Popis aplikace
Craft.CASE Reporter enables automatic generation of miscellaneous output documentation or data transfer information from Craft.CASE graphical models to the other modelling tools. CCReporter is a software consisting of two parts. First one is an extension library of functions of modelling and simulation tool Craft.CASE of the British software company Craft.CASE Ltd. 7 Torriano Mews, Torriano Avenue, London, which enables the database export feature to this tool. The second part is an independent window-based software application for MS Windows, MacOSX, or Linux, which produces from exported database various textual and structured reports.
This software is made with support of the research project MSM-6046070904 of the Czech Ministry of Education for the Faculty of Economics and Management, CZU inPrague.
Licenční podmínky
k nabytí softwaru je třeba vždy získat registrovanou licenci. Software je freeware.
Kontakt a odkazy
Soubory ke stažení (instalační soubory, dokumentace k programu, návod atp.)