The Faculty of Economics and Management (FEM) is the largest faculty of the Czech University of Life Sciences (formerly of Agriculture) in Prague. There are almost 10 000 students enrolled in all its study programmes and in all forms of education (including the distance studies, involving part-time presence at the campus). The faculty offers a wide scale of education covering the areas of management, economics, ITC, public administration and regional development, or systems engineering, which reflect the needs not only of agriculture and related industries but also of the entire economy and society. Three of the bachelor-degree programmes and four master-degree programmes are taught in English. There are about 160 professors, associate professors and lecturers on the faculty staff. The number of technical and administrative staff is about 50.
The Accreditation Commission of the Czech Government (June 26, 1998) listed FEM as one of the best economics faculties in the Czech Republic (together with the faculties of the University of Economics in Prague). FEM has been ranked in Group 1A - the best economics faculties in the Czech Republic. The evaluation of the Accreditation Commission states: "The Faculty of Economics and Management of the Czech University of Life Sciences Prague belongs to very well functioning and internationally comparable economics faculties. It demonstrates good results both in the area of education and research". The re-accreditation in 2001 re-confirmed the position of FEM as one of the best economics faculties in the Czech Republic (Group A)
FEM offers comprehensive university education including doctoral (PhD) studies and various forms of lifelong learning. The faculty also implements the proceedings of habilitation which lead to the associate professor status (“Docent” in Czech), and the status of professor. Based on the conclusions of the Bologna Conference of Universities and Higher Education Representatives (June 1999 in Bologna, Italy) the studies are divided into three levels - bachelor, master and doctoral, with corresponding degrees.
- Bachelor study programmes takes 3 years and is completed by the bachelor state examination during which the students defend their bachelor thesis before the examination board. Having passed the examination successfully, the students are awarded the Bachelor degree (bakalář in Czech), abbreviated to Bc (according to the Czech Act on Higher Education - Act No 111/1998 Coll.)
- Master study programmes take 2 years and follow up from the bachelor study programmes. They are attended by the bachelor graduates from the Czech University of Life Sciences as well as from other Czech universities and from abroad.They are concluded by the defending master thesis before the state final examination. Successful students are awarded the master degree diploma and the Czech title “Inženýr” (Ingenieur, abbreviated Ing. according to the Czech Act on Higher Education - Act No 111/1998 Coll.) which corresponds with the MSc degree.
- The doctoral (PhD) study programmes follow the completed master degree studies and take 4 years. They focus on scientific development of the graduates of the master degree programmes who have completed their studies with excellent results. During the PhD studies, students sit for demanding and thorough examinations, for the comprehensive final state PhD examination, and then they defend their dissertations. The PhD degree and a doctoral diploma are conferred upon them after completion of the PhD course.
Faculty staff
The faculty staff are engaged in theoretical and applied research which addresses the whole area of the agrarian sector, starting from primary production, through processing to sales and marketing. The research also focuses on various aspects of rural life, the environment, sustainable development including economic and social position of agriculture within Europe as well as worldwide. Application of the latest ICT in conducting the research work is supported. Exact quantitative instruments for the decision-making support are applied. The research and scientific activities within FEM have a positive effect upon the quality of education and they contribute to professional development of the faculty staff. The research is implemented in co-operation with various research institutes, and with other organizations such as universities in the Czech Republic, in Europe and overseas.
The accreditation of five areas of science for the habilitation and professorship proceedings has confirmed the quality of research and academic work at FEM. The faculty is authorized to confer the academic and scientific titles of associate professor (docent) and professor in Business and Sector Economics, Management, Information Management, Systems Engineering, Regional and Social Development.
The students can undertake part of their studies abroad at foreign partnership universities. Such studies are based on bilateral agreements within the ERASMUS programme, on double degree programmes with the University of Wageningen (the Netherlands) and Cranfield University at Silsoe (UK), or they are based on agreements with universities in USA (Ohio State University - internship for the students, University of Missouri and Kansas State University - education) and in Canada (University of Guelph, University Nova Scotia). The percentage of the students who study abroad is currently about 15% - 25% depending on the form and duration of the studies abroad.